Satori Two Year Transmission Line Speaker Design

This project uses the SB Acoustics Satori line of drivers in a classic tapered transmission line enclosure. It was designed to be a test bed for future transmission line model development. Additional articles will be added to this page as progress is made.

Satori Two Year Transmission Line Speaker Design. By Martin J. King, 9/23/23.

Anechoic MathCad Simulation with an Active Crossover, 9/19/23.

Anechoic MathCad Simulation with a Passive Crossover, 9/19/23.

The Satori Transmission Line generated a lot of test data and accompanying analyses during the build. It will also be used as a test bed for experimentation by taking advantage of the threaded rod and nuts method of assembly, it can be taken apart and easily internally modified. The following are a series of presentations and placeholders for future presentations that will document ongoing work using this transmission line build. This list will be continually updated as new ideas for study or interesting results are identified.

Using Modal Analysis to Understand Transmission Line Speaker Enclosure Response Part 1 - The Basics, 11/03/23.

Using Modal Analysis to Understand Transmission Line Speaker Enclosure Response Part 2 - Correlation of Measurements and Analyses, 02/03/24.

Using Modal Analysis to Understand Transmission Line Speaker Enclosure Response Part 3 - Folded Geometry Behavior, 04/27/24.

Using Modal Analysis to Understand Transmission Line Speaker Enclosure Response Part 4 - Fiber Fill versus Acoustic Foam Lining, 02/29/24.

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